Mimi: brown, she is being cloned b. Megdo: black and is an egg cell donor c. Momi: white surrogate mother to grow Mimi Step #1 5.Click to see full answer. In this manner, what color is the cloned mouse mini?The Mouse Pup was colored brown. It inherited its brown color from the Somatic Cell Donor, which provided the nucleus (and thus the DNA) for the egg from which the Pup originated.Also, what might I need to clone a mouse? The scientists used somatic-cell nuclear transfer to clone the mice, which had normal lifespans and were able to produce offspring. The cloning technique involves replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized egg with the nucleus of an adult somatic cell, such as a blood or skin cell. Regarding this, how is Mimi involved in the process of cloning Mimi? Mimi, the one we’re cloning, Megdo, the egg cell donor, and Momi, the surrogate mother to grow Mimi’s clone in. The steps are as follow. We did this by holding the egg cell still with the blunt pipette and gently puncturing the cell to extract the nucleus to later discard. This is a process called Enucleation.What were the names of the two cloned calves?OSTON — First Dolly, the sheep, now Charlie and George, the calves: two long-lashed, week-old, genetically engineered Holsteins became the latest cloning sensations Tuesday when scientists announced they had been given life using an efficient new method that offers the hope of broad and lucrative medical benefits.
