When venturing through the terrifying world of Resident Evil 4 Remake, it's best to be fully prepared. In this section of IGN's Resident Evil 4 wiki guide, we'll walk you through the essential tips and tricks to carry you through the remake.


These tips and tricks range from general tips, such as how to effectively use herbs that you come across, to combat tips and exploration tips. To explore each of them further, click on one of the links below to see more from a particular tip section.

General Tips

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  • Crafting makes a return from RE2 and RE3 Remake, and you can access it multiple ways: by entering the actual crafting menu, selecting "craft" and choosing the item in the case, or by moving one item on top of another and hitting confirm.
  • Try to save at least one Red or Green herb until you can combine them with Yellow Herbs, as this will not only heal you fully, but permanently raise your maximum health. Instead, use First Aid Sprays, and food items, like eggs, that you can find on the ground. If you do need to use a herb, just use a green since those are more plentiful.
  • You can deactivate tripwire bombs by crouchwalking up to them and deactivating by hand. You don't have to shoot them anymore!



  • Don't waste ammo or time pulling out a knife when you spot a crate or barrel - Leon can simply kick them to reveal their contents.
  • You can't just sell Spinels anymore, but you CAN trade them for special items including treasure maps, yellow herbs, and even weapons and attachments.

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  • If you hover over health items while in the attache case, it will show you how much health will be restored before you use it.
  • Check the description on loose gems and treasures, as they can often be combined to multiply their sale value. There's even a cheat sheet that shows which combinations of colored gems will give you the best value multiplier.
  • Don't be shy about upgrading your weapons! When you sell them back to the merchant, you'll get around 95% of that money back plus half the cost of the weapon, so you can purchase another weapon.

Combat Tips


  • Ammo is precious! Aim for the head and kneecaps to stagger your enemies, and once the white marker (new to the Remake) flashes above their head, you can hit them with a melee attack for extra damage, and more importantly, crowd control. You can also melee attack them after perfect parrying with your knife.

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  • New to the Remake are stealth kills using your knife. Like most knife skills, it will take a hit to its durability. But it will take many enemies down instantly!
  • Your combat knife will degrade over time, but can always be repaired. However, this doesn't apply to other household knives you pick up. Once they degrade, they're gone.
  • You can hold L1 or the right bumper to ready your knife and stab with the right trigger, just like the original. But in the Remake, you can also slash by simply hitting the right trigger without drawing your weapon first. When pressing nothing else, think of the right trigger as your knife button.
  • Speaking of your knife button, when a white mark appears over a downed enemy, that means you can instantly finish them off with your knife. With a little hit to its durability, of course.

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  • Different knife actions degrade the knives a different amount. When an enemy grabs you, and you get out of it by pressing the knife button rather than jamming on X or A, your knife will take a HUGE hit to durability. It may also cost more durability trying to backstab powerful enemies like the Brute -- but if you do so with a knife about to break, it'll still do the full amount of damage!
  • If you see the prompt to parry with flashing red lights, it means the incoming attack will kill you in one hit if you do not act. Either run away or take a big hit to your knife's durability to avoid the killing blow!
  • Enemies can set traps mid-fight. It's already easy to get overwhelmed, so make sure you constantly check your surroundings. There may be a new bear trap on the ground even if it wasn't there before.
  • The Chainsaw Man can hit other villagers. So while it may be good to get rid of him early, he can also help you thin out the crowd if you let him do his thing.

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  • Enemies can be caught in traps, too! Whether it be bear traps or tripwires, you can lead them to their doom if you so choose. An enemy caught in a bear trap will be staggered, allowing for a melee attack.

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  • If you spot a downed enemy wriggling on the ground, they'll get back up with a more infested look or spawn tough and durable Plaga, and can't be staggered as easily. Try to finish them off with a few more shots before they rise or stick a knife in them to silence them permanently.


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  • If you're being harassed with enemies throwing dynamite or molotov cocktails, you can shoot the items in their hand before they're even lit to blow them up.
  • In sections with enemies using dynamite if you are able to kite the enemies around you can conserve ammo by letting them thin out crowds, just make sure to keep your distance as well.
  • After a few chapters in, you'll start facing more infected enemies that will show more prominent signs of the Plaga virus. While they are durable and can hit hard, a single Flash Grenade will take them out. Consider trying to expose several in a group if you suspect they might burst out, and hit them all at once.

Exploration Tips

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  • A few chapter's into the game you'll find the Merchant's Shooting Range, which will show up many times over the course of the game with new challenges. It's worth investing time in as you can earn charm rewards to equip on your attache case when at a Typewriter, and can give you passive bonuses like increased health gained, better chances to craft bonus ammo, Merchant discounts, and more!
  • Like the original, RE4 Remake has a quick turn, but it's bound to "down and R1 (or the right bumper,)" rather than "down and the bottom face button."
  • You just have to tap the run button to start jogging, you don't have to hold it down. This goes for clicking in the stick as well. This can also be changed in the settings menu.


  • Another returning feature is the ability to shoot down crows, which may drop anything from a bit of currency or gunpowder to gems. Using the bolt thrower can kill them without alerting other crows to fly off - but if you find a large group, a single flash grenade can kill them all.

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  • Chickens in town and certain other areas will periodically lay eggs that you can consume for health or throw at enemies for a challenge, so don't kill the chickens. Brown eggs heal for medium health and white eggs heal for a small amount of health.
  • Bass are another fauna you can shoot or stab to get a free healing item, or simply sell them for Pesetas. Bass can be found in many bodies of water: near the docks on the lake, in the fish farm, in the shallow pools in the castle, and in the underground. They even repopulate over time, so be sure to check back!
  • Need help finding the Clockwork Castellans? If you turn on all subtitles, "Mechanical Cadence" will appear when you're close to them, making them easier to find.
  • If you are going without the treasure maps be sure to listen close at all times. Hanging treasures in silver censer containers make a distinct creaking noise as they sway in the air.

Up Next: Basics/Beginner's Tips and Tricks

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